Updated WordPress thanks to mqTranslate

The last months, qTranslate was blocking my updates, because it gave me the message it will break my site. Too bad, the developer/maintainer of qTranslate seems to have abandoned his project, or he couldn’t find the time anymore. Luckily, thanks to the open-source-ness of the plugin, some brave souls have Read more…

Bart on safety

When we launched Snøg Avalanche Buddy, we also decided to post the app on some winter sports forums. The reactions we got there were mixed, but mainly very negative. Part of the negativity was aimed at the safety of the app. In one case we were even threatened, that we Read more…

C#.NET snack: sign data with RSA

Create keys: var csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(keyStrength); var privateKey = csp.ExportCspBlob(true); var publicKey = csp.ExportCspBlob(false); Sign data: var csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); csp.Clear(); csp.ImportCspBlob(File.ReadAllBytes(privateKeyFile)); var sig = csp.SignData(data, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()); Verify data: csp.Clear(); csp.ImportCspBlob(File.ReadAllBytes(publicKeyFile)); if (csp.VerifyData(data, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), sig)) {     Console.WriteLine(“Data is OK”); } else {     Console.WriteLine(“Data is Read more…