oculusd 0.17

Oculusd 0.17 is here. Fixed a few bugs; the se server could crash on certain configuration errors. Also, repaired a design mistake: hardcoded arguments (which have to be configured, otherwise the event-action connection is not made) are now bound to “actions” instead of “events”. Where they belong. Now I can Lees meer…

9/11 and modern journalism

9/11 today. Nine years ago the earth stood still in the Western world. Nothing would be the same ever again. The world changed. Of course, nothing would be the same after 23 of october 2003 as well. Or after 2nd of april 1998. Things change. And sometimes, the world changes Lees meer…

oculusd 0.16-2

Another quick release. I created an RPM file and changed to installation directories to /usr, instead of /usr/local. The available RPM is x86_64 only, but you are invited to create others. From now on, I will release source and RPM packages. More on the project page.

oculusd 0.16.1

Oculusd 0.16.1 is a compatibility release. Oculusd is being developed on Ubuntu, but is supposed to run on a wide variety of platforms and distributions. We installed the BitTouch development platform today, to create RPMs and a reference installation (I intend to use the Oculus system myself eventually). This release Lees meer…

MeeGo in VirtualBox

Works as a charm, just: enable PAE in your virtual machine the live image doesn’t work (it needs a framebuffer device and cannot find it), but installation does. It is actually a good way to testdrive this thing. Download the image from http://meego.com/devices/netbook/installing-meego-your-netbook Update or you just go to the Lees meer…

oculusd 0.16

After a few weeks of no activity, here is oculusd 0.16. I implemented the new event system, which is now able to connect actions to plugin-supplied events. This way, oculusd get extremely versatile. You can add actions to an ALST command for example, making oculusd send an email or set Lees meer…