NFS kicks CIFS ass right now

This week, I bought a 1TB Iomega drive for backing up purposes. The family laptop is full of photos (one big mess of course, but that is beside the point) and then there is the Popcorn Hour media center that also stores many files that we really do not want Read more…

Hybride wagens en meer marketing onzin

Het is hip om goed voor het milieu te zijn. Dat was een paar jaar geleden wel anders. Toen was het alleen weggelegd voor de geitewollensokken Greenpeace jongens en meisjes. Bomenknuffelen en walvisvaarders torpederen. Nee, nu is het big business. Politici buitelen over elkaar heen om de ene na de Read more…

9/11 and modern journalism

9/11 today. Nine years ago the earth stood still in the Western world. Nothing would be the same ever again. The world changed. Of course, nothing would be the same after 23 of october 2003 as well. Or after 2nd of april 1998. Things change. And sometimes, the world changes Read more…