Another 2 hours of developing on the application that will change the world of peer-to-peer sharing and the way we use the internet. From now on, you do not need to use a gazillion e-mails to send your photos, no more paying a middle man, just to transfer your wedding video. No! Here is MammothCopy version 0.3, not ready for production use, but good enough to give it a shot. Features of this version include:

  • works through UPnP enabled router/firewalls, thanks to the sbbi UPnP library (since version 0.2),
  • support for big files, only limited by the receiving end’s harddisk space (since version 0.2),
  • support for multiple files, only limited by the receiving end’s harddisk space (new in version 0.3),
  • nice looking progress bar on the sending side (new in version 0.3).

Get the latest version (0.3), here:

1 reactie

MammothCopy version 0.2 | Ik doe er niet aan mee · 25 januari 2010 op 23:15

[…] Sending big files: MammothCopy 0.3 […]

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